Improvements to the results page

The Old Age Security (OAS) Benefits Estimator’s results page has evolved a lot since the beta release in June 2023. In response to the feedback we received, we added:
- the ability to see future estimates for those who aren’t eligible yet
- clarity on which benefits one could get if their income drops
- partner’s estimates
By adding this information, we helped our clients get what they needed. But showing more information brought other challenges.
What we heard
Most people who use the estimator are pleased with the information they’re getting. However, according to our survey, the results page can be hard to understand.
More precisely, survey respondents are confused or want more information about:
- why the estimates change at different ages
- how the options shown at the bottom of the page relate to the estimates at the top
- what the next steps are for each benefit
To present all the results in a way that is easy to understand, we had to reorganize the page.
What we changed
Estimates changing with age
OAS benefits can change over time based on age and the partner’s benefits if married or in a common-law relationship. Because of this, estimates seem to change randomly at different ages.
We reorganized the results by year. All the changes happening at the same time are now grouped. This makes it easier to see how and why the estimate may change over time.
We also added age ranges to show when a benefit will start and end. For example, the results for the Allowance now specify that the benefit will start at 60, and stop at 65.
Options for each estimate
During our testing with Canadians, we noticed that some would not see the information at the bottom of the page. Others would have to scroll up and down to understand it.
We addressed this problem by grouping the content more efficiently. The information that used to be at the bottom of the page is now under the related section at the top. For example, the deferral options for the OAS pension are now shown with that estimate.
Personalized next steps
We reviewed each scenario’s next steps to explain what to expect based on each situation. We added details about enrolment for the OAS pension and when to apply for benefits.
We clarified the criteria when a person doesn’t meet the requirements for a benefit. We also added an “almost eligible” label for benefits, and information on what is still needed to be eligible.
Old Age Security Benefits Estimator project updates
The estimator’s new step-by-step format
Old Age Security Benefits Estimator
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How feedback is shaping the estimator
Old Age Security Benefits Estimator
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What we learned on Service Canada Labs before going live on
Old Age Security Benefits Estimator
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